[R] Reproducing SAS GLM in R

Bela Bauer bela_b at gmx.net
Tue Feb 22 13:44:10 CET 2005


I'm still trying to figure out that GLM procedure in SAS.
Let's start with the simple example:

MODEL col1 col3 col5 col7 col9 col11 col13 col15 col17 col19 col21 col23 
repeated roi 6, ord 2/nom mean;
TITLE 'ABDERUS lat ACC 300-500';

That's the same setup that I had in my last email. I have three factors: 
facSubj,facCond and facRoi. I had this pretty much figured out with 
three lengthy calls to lm(), but I have to extend my code to also work 
on models with four, five or even six factors, so that doesn't seem like 
a practical method any more. I've tried with the following code with 
glm(),anova() and drop1() (I use sum contrasts to reproduce those Type 
III SS values); I've also tried many other things, but this is the only 
somewhat reasonable result I get with glm.

 > options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))
 > test.glm <- glm(vecData ~ (facCond+facSubj+facRoi)^2)
 > anova(test.glm,test="F")
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model: gaussian, link: identity

Response: vecData

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

                  Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)
NULL                               239    1429.30
facCond           1     2.21       238    1427.09  3.0764   0.08266 .
facSubj          19   685.94       219     741.16 50.2463 < 2.2e-16 ***
facRoi            5   258.77       214     482.38 72.0316 < 2.2e-16 ***
facCond:facSubj  19   172.70       195     309.68 12.6510 < 2.2e-16 ***
facCond:facRoi    5    10.37       190     299.31  2.8867   0.01803 *
facSubj:facRoi   95   231.05        95      68.26  3.3850 4.266e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1
 > drop1(test.glm,scope=.~.,test="F")
Single term deletions

vecData ~ (facCond + facSubj + facRoi)^2
                 Df Deviance     AIC F value     Pr(F)
<none>                68.26  671.33
facCond          1    70.47  676.97  3.0764   0.08266 .
facSubj         19   754.19 1209.89 50.2463 < 2.2e-16 ***
facRoi           5   327.03 1037.35 72.0316 < 2.2e-16 ***
facCond:facSubj 19   240.96  936.05 12.6510 < 2.2e-16 ***
facCond:facRoi   5    78.63  695.27  2.8867   0.01803 *
facSubj:facRoi  95   299.31  836.09  3.3850 4.266e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Now, unfortunately this just isn't the output of SAS (roi corresponds to 
facRoi, ord corresponds to facCond)

> Source                    DF   Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F
>  roi                        5   258.7726806    51.7545361    21.28  <.0001
>  Error(roi)                95   231.0511739     2.4321176
>                                            Adj Pr > F
>                   Source                 G - G     H - F
>                   roi                   <.0001    <.0001
>                   Error(roi)
>                    Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon    0.5367
>                    Huynh-Feldt Epsilon           0.6333
>  Source                    DF   Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F
>  ord                        1     2.2104107     2.2104107     0.24  0.6276
>  Error(ord)                19   172.7047994     9.0897263
>  Source                    DF   Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F
>  roi*ord                    5   10.37034918    2.07406984     2.89  0.0180
>  Error(roi*ord)            95   68.25732255    0.71849813
>                                            Adj Pr > F
>                   Source                 G - G     H - F
>                   roi*ord               0.0663    0.0591
>                   Error(roi*ord)
>                    Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon    0.4116
>                    Huynh-Feldt Epsilon           0.4623

As you can see, I get a correct p and F values for the facCond:facRoi 
interaction, but everything else doesn't come out right. The drop1() 
call gives me the correct degrees of freedom, but residual degrees of 
freedom seem to be wrong.

Could you give me any hints how I could get to the SAS results? For the 
lm() calls that work (in special cases), refer to my posting from last 
I also have a 4-factorial example, and I've been told that people around 
here do 5- or 6-factorial multivariant ANOVAs, too, so I need a general 

Thanks a lot!


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