[R] best analysis method : for time series ans cross sectional data
Kum-Hoe Hwang
phdhwang at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 06:22:35 CET 2005
What I 'd like to analyze with a large data on building permits is to find
time series effect of urban policy on buildings as well as
cross-sectional effects in any. In 1990 the specialZone urban policy
was introduced. I guess that the effects of this specialZone policy
would be different from countys. There are counties that do not
welcome this specialZone forced to design it.
One of the important aims is to find 1) time series effect using Dummy
variable, 2) cross-sectional effects using specialZones variable
The data has items like year(1970-2000), floorSpace, county,
specialZones agianst permitting large buildings. specialZones have
been designed after 1990.
(Dummy = 1 after 1990, Dummy =0 before 1990)
I have tried three methods, such as
lm(floorSpace ~ county, specialZones, Dummy),
glm(floorSpace ~ county, specialZones, Dummy),
aov(floorSpace ~ county, specialZones, Dummy).
What I am focusing on is best method among lm, glm, aov or others not
siginificant results.
I have wasted too much time for this. I welcome your comments.
Thanks a lot,
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.
Kyonggi Research Institute, Korea (ROK)
(Urban Planning and GIS)
Phone : 82-31-250-3283
Email : phdhwang at gmail.com
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