[R] R News: Call for Papers
Paul Murrell
p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Feb 14 21:09:46 CET 2005
Dear useRs and developeRs,
the next issue of `R News' is scheduled for the beginning of May
and we are now accepting submissions for this first issue in 2005.
For more information see
If you are the author of a package on CRAN and you would like to promote
it a little bit, or if you simply have an interesting application using
R, we hope you can find some time to write a short article on it. We
suggest that it be approximately 3 pages or less. The idea of the
newsletter is that it be interesting to R users without being too
technical. For example an article describing a package could begin by
briefly outlining the statistical background and go on to demonstrate
the usage on some typical data set. Of course graphics are more than
Bill Venables <Bill.Venables at csiro.au> is also encouraging submissions
to the more specialist Programmer's Niche column. In this case the
technical level could be a little higher, of course, but not necessarily:
ingeniousness is the key.
The R Help Desk column is intended to present answers to frequently
asked questions as well as tricks that are useful to the majority of
useRs. Please send submissions to Uwe Ligges <Uwe.Ligges at R-project.org>.
The deadline for submissions is
April, 10th, 2005
Keep the contributions rolling in!
The Editorial Board,
Doug Bates, Paul Murrell and Torsten Hothorn
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