[R] Trimming Parallel Vectors.
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Sun Feb 13 00:27:26 CET 2005
Jagarlamudi, Choudary wrote:
> Good Day All !
> I have a 2-D vector of mode numeric and a parallel 1-D vector of mode numeric.
> Here are my values.
> 2-D vector 1-D vector
> 80 75 85 80 80
> 70 80 90 80 80
> 60 70 80 70 70
> 85 75 95 85 85
> 70 60 90 60 70
> My 1-D vector is the average across the rows of my 2-D vector.
> I process each column of the 2-D vector in a loop.
> When I trim my 2-D vector column for values less than 65, I have to trim the corrosponding average value.
> I have a copy of the 1-D vector to recreate the original 1-D vector for each loop iteration.
> My original vectors consist of 54,000 values and I am trying to avoid using loops as much as I can to gain speed.
> Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Choudary Jagarlamudi
> Instructor
> Southwestern Oklahoma State University
> STF 254
> 100 campus Drive
> Weatherford OK 73096
> Tel 580-774-7136
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind but the rowMeans function
produces the row-wise means of a matrix. If you replace some of the
values in the matrix by the missing value code NA then the means for
those rows also end up as NA.
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 80 75 85 80
[2,] 70 80 90 80
[3,] 60 70 80 70
[4,] 85 75 95 85
[5,] 70 60 90 60
> rowMeans(mat)
[1] 80 80 70 85 70
> mat[mat < 65] <- NA
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 80 75 85 80
[2,] 70 80 90 80
[3,] NA 70 80 70
[4,] 85 75 95 85
[5,] 70 NA 90 NA
> rowMeans(mat)
[1] 80 80 NA 85 NA
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