[R] panel plot with log-scaled x-axis
Deepayan Sarkar
deepayan at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 9 16:09:24 CET 2005
On Wednesday 09 February 2005 04:07, Christoph Scherber wrote:
> Hi,
> I´ll try to rephrase my question using the following example:
> xyplot(conc~uptake|Treatment+Type,data=CO2)
> Would it be possible to make each of the x axes log-scaled
Yes, with
xyplot(conc ~ uptake | Treatment + Type, data = CO2,
scales = list(x = list(log = TRUE)))
> (but with the same tick labels)?
No, but that isn't always the most appropriate thing anyway (the ticks
may get too close). You can always specify the locations manually, as
xyplot(conc ~ uptake | Treatment + Type, data = CO2,
scales =
list(x =
list(log = TRUE,
at = c(10, 20, 30, 40))))
Ideally, the tick locations should be computed by (a variation of)
'axTicks', but I've never gotten around to implementing that.
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