Fw: [R] Contour plot
Romain Francois
francoisromain at free.fr
Tue Feb 8 20:57:09 CET 2005
Le 08.02.2005 17:43, dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl a écrit :
>I understand that I need to have a (in this case) square matrix with all the
>data. But the question now is;
>- can the contourplot not interpolate the missing values
I think it doesn't (see (1) below)
>or alternatively
>- I have fit a model to the z data (z = 100 + 0.5x + 0.5y). How can I make
>from this model a "square" matrix z to make a contour plot?
try something like that :
x <- y <- 1:10
z <- 100+0.5*outer(x,y,FUN="+")
(1) :
z[3:4,3:4] <- NA #putting some missing values
contour(x, y, z,nlevels=20)
>>I would like to make a contourplot of the following data;
>>>>x <- 1:10
>>>>y <- 1:10
>>>>z <- 100:110
>>>By doing >contour(x,y,z) I get the following error;
>>>"Error in contour.default(x, y, z) : no proper `z' matrix specified"
>>>How do I fix this??
>>x and y specify a grid and thus z must provide a value for each
>>combination of the x's and y's! For example:
>> x <- y <- 1:10
>> contour(x, y, outer(x, y))
>>Also look at
>> outer(x, y)
>>and read ?contour.
>>>Kind regards, Datius Blaszijk
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Romain FRANCOIS : francoisromain at free.fr
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