[R] lme4 --> GLMM

Pavel Khomski pkhomski at wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Tue Feb 8 10:20:03 CET 2005


this is a question, how can i specify the random part in the GLMM-call 
(of the lme4 library) for compound matrices just in the the same way as
they defined in the lme-Call (of the nlme library).  For example

i would just need             
random=list(my.Subject=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~... , ...),pdIdent(~... , 

this specification , if i also attach   library(nlme) ,   is not 
accepted in the GLMM-call, though the simple form


is accepted.

what is the analogous of pdBlocked  & Co  from nlme in  lme4?

thanks  for  replay

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