[R] normality test on truncated data
Yong Chao
yc176 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 23:59:33 CET 2005
I tried to use shapiro.test or ks.test to check the
normality of some data, the problem is, the
distribution function is a mixture of a Gaussian and
some other distributions at the tails. The hypothesis
is that if the tails are excluded, the distribution is
perfect Gaussian, and I want to test that.
But I cannot simply cut the tails off and do a
normality test on the truncated data, as shown in the
following example, this will fail.
So that question is: how can I test whether the middle
chunk of the distribution is Gaussian?
> r<-rnorm(1000)
> r.trunc<-r[which(abs(r)<1.5)]
> shapiro.test(r.trunc)
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: r.trunc
W = 0.9855, p-value = 1.237e-07
> ks.test(r.trunc, "pnorm")
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: r.trunc
D = 0.0873, p-value = 3.116e-06
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
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