[R] package installation problem

MJK mj_kallen at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 1 14:40:36 CET 2005


I'm running R-1.9.1 and I'm unable to succesfully
install packages using either 'R CMD INSTALL
xxx.tar.gz' or 'install.packages("xxx").

For example, if I try to install the msm package I

R CMD INSTALL msm_0.4.1.tar.gz
* Installing *source* package 'msm' ...
ERROR: R_HOME ('/root/R-1.9.1') not found
ERROR: installing package DESCRIPTION failed
** Removing '/usr/share/R-1.9.1/library/msm'

In R I get:
> install.packages("msm")
... messages confirming succesful download are given
here ...

WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME
/root/R-1.9.1/bin/Rcmd: /root/R-1.9.1/bin/Rcmd: No
such file or directory

Delete downloaded files (y/N)?

As you can see, R is under /usr/share/R-1.9.1 on my
Slackware 9.1 Linux system. 

paste(file.path(R.home(),"bin","R")) gives me
"/usr/share/R-1.9.1/bin/R" and Sys.getenv("R_HOME")
gives me "/usr/share/R-1.9.1" as does 'R RHOME'.
Everything seems fine, but I do not understand why
it's trying to look for /root/R-1.9.1? How do I solve
this problem?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Maarten-Jan Kallen
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and
Computer Science
Delft University of Technology
Delft, the Netherlands

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