[R] Rcmdr doesn't seem to work

v.demartino2@virgilio.it v.demartino2 at virgilio.it
Tue Feb 1 12:05:36 CET 2005

Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including

I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it
is what happens:

> library(Rcmdr)
Loading required package: zoo 
Loading required package: strucchange 
Loading required package: sandwich 
Loading required package: relimp 
Loading required package: mvtnorm 
Loading required package: multcomp 
Loading required package: lmtest 
Loading required package: effects 
Loading required package: car 
Loading required package: abind 
Loading required package: rgl 
Error in library(package, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts
= warn.conflicts,  : 
	'rgl' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace for 'Rcmdr'
Error in library(Rcmdr) : package/namespace load failed for 'Rcmdr'

What should I do?


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