[R] Extracting data from .zip file in WINDOWS version of package

Jain, Nitin Nitin.Jain at pfizer.com
Tue Dec 20 18:19:51 CET 2005


I am building a R-package for Genetics analysis. The accepted data is in pedigree (.ped) file format.

To load the data (say CAMP.ped) from "data" directory, I have a function "CAMP.R", which does the job.
The package builds successfully in Linux (.tar.gz) and the data loads successfully by "data(CAMP)".

However, when I build the package in WINDOWS, the data directory is zipped, and the command "data(CAMP)"
gives an error - 
Error in readGenes(gfile = "CAMP.ped",....)
Genotype file CAMP.ped does not exist.

While debugging "data(CAMP)", I found that only the file "CAMP.R" is extracted temporarily, and not the file 
"CAMP.ped" - which causes the error.

Linux version does not face this problem as the data directory is not zipped.

Could you please suggest a way around for this problem?


Nitin Jain, PhD
<nitin.jain at pfizer.com>
Non Clinical Statistics
Pfizer, Inc. (Groton, CT)
Bldg: 260, # 1451
Ph:  (860) 686-2526 (Office)
Fax: (860) 686-6170

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