[R] [Rd] Overlaying lattice plots - SORRY, WRONG MAILING LIST ADDRESS

ernesto ernesto at ipimar.pt
Tue Dec 20 11:41:48 CET 2005

ernesto wrote:

>Hillary, Richard M wrote:
>>Morning chaps, I have a little question for your capable minds... Say
>>I have an observed and predicted set of quants (in my case, length
>>frequencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice
>>plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel?
>>Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...)
>Hi Richard,
>If you want to plot both datasets on the same plot just make use of the
>xyplot for FLQuants, something like
>flqs <- FLQuants(list(pred=pred.quant, res=res.quant))
>xyplot(data~age, data=flqs)
>now tune it the way you want and change the formula to fit your needs.
>ps: I'm cc'ing this to the mailing lists, I find it usefull for others.


Sorry for this message, wrong address. I wanted to send it to
FLR-mailing list.



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