[R] Generation of missiing values in a time serie...

Alvaro Saurin saurin at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Tue Dec 13 17:34:02 CET 2005

On 13 Dec 2005, at 13:08, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

> Your variable mat is not a matrix; its a data frame.  Check it with:
>    class(mat)
> Here is an example:
> x <- cbind(A = 1:4, B = 5:8)
> tt <- c(1, 3:4, 6)
> library(zoo)
> x.zoo <- zoo(x, tt)
> x.ts <- as.ts(x.zoo)

Fixed, but anyway it fails:

 >	h_types	<- list (0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 >	h_names	<- list ("time", "flow", "seq", "ts", "x", "rtt", "size")
 >	pcks_file	<- pipe ("grep ' P ' server.dat", "r")
 >	pcks		<- scan (pcks_file, what = h_types,
					comment.char = '#', fill = TRUE)
 >	mat_df			<- data.frame (pcks[1:2], pcks[5:9])
 >	mat				<- as.matrix (mat_df)
 > 	colnames (mat)	<- h_names	

 >	class (mat)
[1] "matrix"

 >	z <- zoo (mat, mat [,"time"])

 >	z
 >	z
          time         flow         seq          ts            
x            rtt          size
1.0009       1.000893     0.000000     0.000000     1.000893   
1472.000000     0.000000  1472.000000
1.5145       1.514454     0.000000     1.000000     1.514454   
2944.000000     0.513142  1472.000000
2.0151       2.015093     0.000000     2.000000     2.015093   
2944.000000     0.513142  1472.000000
2.515        2.515025     0.000000     3.000000     2.515025   
4806.000000     0.504488  1472.000000
2.822        2.821976     0.000000     4.000000     2.821976   
5730.000000     0.496728  1472.000000

 >	as.ts (z)
Error in if (del == 0 && to == 0) return(to) :
	missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Any idea? Thanks for your help.


Alvaro Saurin <alvaro.saurin at gmail.com> <saurin at dcs.gla.ac.uk>

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