[R] R is GNU S, not C.... [was "how to get or store ....."]

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk
Tue Dec 6 22:01:33 CET 2005

On 06-Dec-05 Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
>> [...]
>> The greater readability of the first relative to the second is
>> obvious. The compactness of the second relative to the first
>> is evident. Obtaining the second from the first by repeated "J"
>> is very quick.
> I'm curious: exactly what purpose does this 'compactness' serve? The
> file size doesn't decrease, since you are replacing newlines by
> semicolons. It does not improve readability. So why do it at all?
> -Deepayan

You are taking a more abstract and logical a view than I do!

a) It is more compact in the sense that the same anount of code
   takes fewer lines.

b) My "editing" window is typically about 56 lines tall. Once
   I have got the code working as I want, I can "compact" it onto
   fewer lines, thereby leaving more space for further code all
   of which will be visible in the same screen space.

c) Since the "compacted" code is already OK, I don't need to
   be able to read it so readily -- it is enough that I can
   see it when I need to refer to it.

It is all a matter of layout, perception and psychology: by experience
I have found that this way of working improves my accuracy and speed,
and my overview of the problem (and hence my ability to see solutions).

This may or may not be valid for anyone else; but as far as I'm
concerned it is (along with the "J" trick when using vim) a cogent
(if personal) reason for putting ";" at the ends of commands.
Which was the original point.

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 06-Dec-05                                       Time: 21:01:30
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