[R] parts of data frames: subset vs. [-c()]

Stefan Th. Gries stgries_lists at arcor.de
Fri Aug 26 19:42:13 CEST 2005

>> From: "Stefan Th. Gries" <stgries_lists at arcor.de> writes:
I have a problem with splitting up a data frame called ReVerb: I would like to extract all cases where SYNTAX=="Ditrans" from ReVerb, store that in a file, and then generate ReVerb again without these cases and factor levels. My problem is probably obvious from the following lines of code:

> ditrans<-which(SYNTAX=="Ditrans")
> ReVerb1<-ReVerb[-c(ditrans),]; dim(ReVerb1)
[1] 91532    16
# ok, so the 92713-91532=1181 cases where SYNTAX=="Ditrans" have been removed, but ...
> ReVerb1<-subset(ReVerb, SYNTAX!="Ditrans"); dim(ReVerb1)
[1] 91528    16
# ... so why don't I get 91532 again as the number of rows?
# Any ideas??

> From: Peter Dalgaard <p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk>
> The SYNTAX variable is not necessarily the same. Could you retry the first case with
> ditrans <- which(ReVerb$SYNTAX=="Ditrans")
> ?

The results were the same as with 'ditrans<-which(SYNTAX=="Ditrans")'.

> Otherwise, try doing a setdiff() on the rownames of the two discrepant results and see which are the four cases that differ.

This solved the issue: Using setdiff, I found that the cases that the second way with subset fails to include are NA's ... - I was not aware of how subset treats NA, sorry.

Thanks a lot,
Stefan Th. Gries
Max Planck Inst. for Evol. Anthropology

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