[R] lme model: Error in MEEM

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Thu Aug 18 16:39:42 CEST 2005

Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann <at> gmx.ch> writes:

> Hi,
> We have data of two groups of subjects: 32 elderly, 14 young adults. for
> each subject we have 15 observations, each observation consisting of a
> reaction-time measure (RT) and an activation maesure (betadlpcv). 
> since we want to analyze the influence of (age-)group and RT on the
> activation, we call: 
> lme(betadlpcv ~ RT*group, data=our.data, random=~ RT |subject)
> this yields:
> Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) :
>         Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1

If you really have 15 observations (690 lines) it should be enough to estimate 
the model (see below). Assume you had some degenerate case. From a 
psychophysical point of view, I am surprised that reaction time is on the right 
side, but that's off-subject.


sub = data.frame(subject=1:46,group=c(rep("old",32),rep("young",14)))
sub$slope = 2.5+as.numeric(sub$group)+rnorm(46,0.5)

beta = data.frame(

beta$betadlpcv = beta$slope*beta$RT + rnorm(46*15,0.1)

beta.lme = lme(betadlpcv ~ RT*group, data=beta, random=~ RT |subject)

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