[R] complex expression with plotmath

Felipe Csaszar fcsaszar at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 10:40:02 CEST 2005

Hello everyone,

I want to define a function that receives the name of two variables
(may include Greek letters and subscripts) and uses them into the
title of a plot.

My best attempt is the following:
myplot <- function(var1, var2) {
    v=paste(var1,"==1 & ",var2,"==2");
    plot(1:10, main=parse(,,v))

But when I call it with something like myplot("Q[i]", "Delta[j]") I
get "&(Q_i=1,Delta_j=2)" as title when I want to get "Q_i=1 &

Is there any solution within R? (I don't want to use psfrag and Latex
to post-process the plot)

Why R does not have support for full Latex expressions? (as Matlab
f.ex.). IMHO plotmath is not good enough.

Thank you all.


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