[R] Including Fortran subrutines in a package

Aleš Žiberna ales.ziberna at guest.arnes.si
Sat Aug 13 12:09:01 CEST 2005


I am creating a packege and I would like to inclued some Fortrun subrutines. 
I have two questions.
1. Can I use "free form fortan" - compiles well usinf g77 -ffree-form.
2. Is it enough to place the ".for" files in scr folder?

Thank you in advance for any help!
Ales Ziberna

P.S.: I am runing R 2.1.1 on Win XP, SP2. I installed rtools, mingw, perl as 
suggested in the manuals. Here are some detailsabour R:
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386
os       mingw32
system   i386, mingw32
major    2
minor    1.1
year     2005
month    06
day      20
language R

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