[R] more on vector vs array

alessandro carletti alxmilton at yahoo.it
Tue Aug 9 09:58:25 CEST 2005

Ok, thanks,
I'll try with a simplier example:

I have a vector with 4 levels

dataframe 1
station   temp
aaa        12
aaa        13
bbb        12
bbb        20
aaa        23
bbb        21
ccc        30
ccc        18
ddd        15
aaa        11
ddd        15
ddd        10

and a thresholds vector

station    thr  
aaa         20
bbb         18
ccc         25
ddd         10

I vant to select from dataframe 1 each value (level by
level) > its own threshold value.
How to do it automatically? (vector temp and vector
thr have different length)


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