[R] An small suggestion for the R team

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br
Fri Aug 5 00:51:59 CEST 2005

Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On 8/4/05, Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>On 8/4/05, Jose Claudio Faria <joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br> wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I would like to suggest that all R functions/etc like:
>>>  codes-deprecated
>>>  grid-internal
>>>  ns-alt
>>>  ns-dblcolon
>>>  ns-hooks
>>>  ns-internals
>>>  ns-lowlev
>>>  ns-reflect.Rd
>>>  tools-internal
>>>  ts-defunct
>>>  utils-deprecated
>>>  utils-internal
>>>  ... and another
>>>i.e, function/word separate for '-'
>>>were all substituted by
>>>  codes_deprecated
>>>  grid_internal
>>>  ns_alt
>>>  ns_dblcolon
>>>  ns_hooks
>>>  ns_internals
>>>  ns_lowlev
>>>  ns_reflect.Rd
>>>  tools_internal
>>>  ts_defunct
>>>  utils_deprecated
>>>  utils_internal
>>>  ... and another
>>>i.e, by '_'
>>>Because it is impossible to make a good highlighter with the first one.
>>>How to differentiating myValue:
>>>varOne = 100
>>>varTwo = 50
>>>myValue = varOne-varTwo
>>>from codes-deprecated, or ns-alt, for example.
>>One can create a variable with a minus in it by using
>>>`a-b` <- 3
>>>a <- 10
>>>b <- 4
>>>`a-b` + a-b
>>[1] 9  # 3 + 10 - 4
> One other point.  The help system, i.e. ?, accommodates minus
> signs like this where the last two statements below give
> the same result:
> library(survival)
> ?"survival-internal"
> internal?survival
> Another example is,
> library(dyn)
> package?dyn

Indeed, the above are very good examples of how to contour the original problem Gabor!
But the central problem is to make Good R highlighter, as I'm trying to do
for the programs Tinn-R and jEdit with this functions.

Is not possible differentiate the signal minus as a simple character (word-word) from
the mathematical operator minus (object-object).

I think that is more easy to remove all this functions/reserved words.

Jose Claudio Faria
Estatistica Experimental/Prof. Adjunto
  joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br
  jc_faria at uesc.br
  jc_faria at uol.com.br
tel: 73-3634.2779

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