[R] Puzzled at rpart prediction

Ajay Narottam Shah ajayshah at mayin.org
Thu Aug 4 03:03:21 CEST 2005

I'm in a situation where I say:

> predict(m.rpart, newdata=D[N1+t,])
      0   1
173 0.8 0.2

which I interpret as meaning: an 80% chance of "0" and a 20% chance of
"1". Okay. This is consistent with:

> predict(m.rpart, newdata=D[N1+t,], type="class")
[1] 0
Levels: 0 1

But I'm puzzled at the following. If I say:

> predict(m.rpart, newdata=D[N1+t,], type="vector")

What gives?

I will be happy to packup a runnable demonstration for any of you, but
I wondered if it was just my lack of knowledge about "type" in
predict.rpart; wondered if there was a simple and logical explanation.

Ajay Shah                                                   Consultant
ajayshah at mayin.org                      Department of Economic Affairs
http://www.mayin.org/ajayshah           Ministry of Finance, New Delhi

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