[R] simplifying a lmer model

sp219 S.Pickett at exeter.ac.uk
Tue Aug 2 19:26:29 CEST 2005

I have been using lmer in lme4() to analyse the effect of dropping a term from 
the model as below 
Where m1 is an original model and m2 has one term removed. I can then create 
my own type III tables for each variable in the model. However with many 
variables this becomes exceedingly time consuming! 
anova.lme in nlme() and Anova() in car dont seem to work for lme objects 
created with lmer? Is there any other way to create type III tables?
Any help much appreciated.
Simon P

Simon Pickett
Centre for Ecology and Conservation Biology
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tremough Campus
Tel: 01326371852

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