[R] Internal error on Max OS X?

Thierry Fuhs tfuhs at hyssopus.com
Thu Apr 21 22:12:37 CEST 2005

Dear All,

I hope my question has not already appeared in the forum. I'm new to
the MacOS X platform and
I'am experiencing some strange behaviour on the Mac OS X platform, with
R 2.0.1

Here is the error message I get when doing such a basic thing as ls() or

2005-04-15 14:59:48.177 R[1147] *** Assertion failure in
-[NSMutableRLEArray objectAtIndex:effectiveRange:],
2005-04-15 14:59:48.178 R[1147] *** NSTimer discarding exception
'NSInternalInconsistencyException' (reason 'Access invalid attribute
location 65505 (length 65505)') that raised during firing of timer with
target 3b0a60 and selector 'runRELP:'


2005-04-15 15:21:04.851 R[1221] *** NSTimer discarding exception
'NSRangeException' (reason '*** NSRunStorage, _NSBlockNumberForIndex():
index (2125) beyond array bounds (2000)') that raised during firing of
timer with target 3b0a60 and selector 'runRELP:'

After that, the R console blocks, and I need to relaunch the software.

Thanks in advance for any possible hint...

Th. Fuhs

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