[R] .Fortran() again

simon chou sentientc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 12:36:17 CEST 2005

First ,please excuse my poor English. Can someone help me on reading
fortran binary object under R?
I was trying to read mm5 data under R. However, I seem to stuck at
reading fortran binary file storing met. data array. At the beginning,
I used readBin() to read mm5 output directly with the following
#mmout is a mmout file generated with mm5
This gives output of "0", which is expect for this file. However, when
I started to read the rest of the file, I cannot get the result as
expected. The next bit of data is an 50 by 20 integer array, which I
cannot read proporly. Here is the command I tried.
>readBin( mm5file,integer(),n=1)

Another way I have tried uses .Fortran (). The fortran code were.
     subroutine readmm5(mm5file,IFLAG,MIF)
      integer iflag,MIF(50,20),MRF(20,20)
      CHARACTER*80 mm5file,MIFC(50,20),MRFC(20,20)
      OPEN (11,FILE=mm5file,FORM='UNFORMATTED')
      READ(11) IFLAG
        IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 0 ) THEN
          READ(mm5file) MIF,RMRF,MIFC,MRFC
This works alright until starts to read the 50 by 20 integer array.
The bit about using as.matrix() to read the array do seem suspicious.
I do not know what is the proper way to read it.
Thanks in advance,

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