[R] negetative AIC values: How to compare models with negative AIC's

Jan Verbesselt Jan.Verbesselt at biw.kuleuven.be
Fri Apr 15 16:43:31 CEST 2005


When fitting the following model
knots <- 5
lrm.NDWI <- lrm(m.arson ~ rcs(NDWI,knots) 

I obtain the following result:

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = m.arson ~ rcs(NDWI, knots))

Frequencies of Responses
  0   1 
666  35 

       Obs  Max Deriv Model L.R.       d.f.          P          C        Dxy
Gamma      Tau-a         R2      Brier 
       701      5e-07      34.49          4          0      0.777      0.553
0.563      0.053      0.147      0.045 

          Coef     S.E.    Wald Z P     
Intercept   -4.627   3.188 -1.45  0.1467
NDWI         5.333  20.724  0.26  0.7969
NDWI'        6.832  74.201  0.09  0.9266
NDWI''      10.469 183.915  0.06  0.9546
NDWI'''   -190.566 254.590 -0.75  0.4541

When analysing the glm fit of the same model

Call:  glm(formula = m.arson ~ rcs(NDWI, knots), x = T, y = T) 

            (Intercept)     rcs(NDWI, knots)NDWI    rcs(NDWI, knots)NDWI'
rcs(NDWI, knots)NDWI''  rcs(NDWI, knots)NDWI'''  
                0.02067                  0.08441                 -0.54307
3.99550                -17.38573  

Degrees of Freedom: 700 Total (i.e. Null);  696 Residual
Null Deviance:      33.25 
Residual Deviance: 31.76        AIC: -167.7 

A negative AIC occurs!

How can the negative AIC from different models be compared with each other?
Is this result logical? Is the lowest AIC still correct?


ir. Jan Verbesselt 
Research Associate 
Lab of Geomatics Engineering K.U. Leuven
Vital Decosterstraat 102. B-3000 Leuven Belgium 
Tel: +32-16-329750   Fax: +32-16-329760

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