[R] GAMM in mgcv - significance of smooth terms

SwainD@dfo-mpo.gc.ca SwainD at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Wed Apr 13 20:31:08 CEST 2005

In the summary of the gam object produced by gamm, the "Approximate
significance of smooth terms" appears to be a test of the improvement in fit
over a linear  model, rather than a test of the significance of the overall
effect of x on y:

	test.gamm<-gamm(y~te(x, bs="cr"), random=list(grp=~1))
	Approximate significance of smooth terms:
	               edf       chi.sq     p-value
	te(x)        3.691       11.597     0.017802

Is my interpretation of this correct?
If so, is it possible to calculate a test of the overall effect of x 
from the information saved for a gamm object?

Doug Swain

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