[R] help for stata user

Tomas Aragon aragon at berkeley.edu
Sun Sep 26 21:06:30 CEST 2004

--- iip <iip at chead.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to R, and I'm STATA user before, could you help me where I
> can
> get document about comparison command between STATA and R.
> Thank you very much,
> Best regards,
> -iip-
I am a former Stata user. Although I have no direct comparison between
R and Stata, you might get an idea from some of our links:

I post my draft R manual on at

Look at our R course syllabus at 
(There is link to great tutorial by Mark Myatt)

I have some computer-based labs based on CDC outbreak modules at

I am very slowly building "epitools" R package, available at 

Eventually, www.epitools.net will become the portal for all these


Tomas Aragon, MD, DrPH, Director
Center for Infectious Disease Preparedness
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
1918 University Ave., 4th Fl., MC-7350
Berkeley, CA 94720-7350

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