[R] RMySQL and Blob
Sean Davis
sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Fri Sep 24 12:12:56 CEST 2004
Just a suggestion, but why not just export the images to disk, save a
URL to them, and do your queries as a two-step process. 1) get URL and
2) load URL. This seems to solve both problems. You just add a table
to the MySQL database with the urls, fast and easy to work with, and
use the pixmap library
(http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions/pixmap.html) to
load the images from the resulting url. This may be faster than using
the database anyway, but even if not, I don't think it would be much
slower and certainly seems simpler (comments?).
On Sep 23, 2004, at 8:31 PM, <jonathan_li at agilent.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried your suggestion to blindly import the blob into R, doing the
> following:
>> con <- dbConnect("MySQL", host="host", user="user", dbname="db")
>> rs <- dbGetQuery(con, statement=paste("select picture from db where
>> id=1")
> It didn't crash R. But rs is not usable. It seems that it has been
> converted to a character object.
> In addition, we need to pass an image format to R, like png, bmp or
> something. It's unclear to me how to achieve this even if we can read
> "rs" as a binary object as you suggested.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks for suggestions!
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David James [mailto:dj at research.bell-labs.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:06 AM
> To: LI,JONATHAN (A-Labs,ex1)
> Cc: David James
> Subject: Re: [R] RMySQL and Blob
> jonathan_li at agilent.com wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> The application I have in mind is for images. In my case, size of
>> images is known and they are not big. As an example, a 64*32 image
>> will have 2048 pixels. If they are 8-bit grey-level pixels, the image
>> occupies 2KB memory.
>> I may venture to guess that the unknown size and type of a blob
>> object in MySQL prevent it from being very usable in R since R
>> doesn't have a datatype for a binary blob?
> You could just blindly try to import it into R (but do it on a clean
> workspace, since it may crash R and you could loose your data!).
> The underlying C code clearly identifies FIELD_TYPE_BLOB and goes
> ahead and puts it in an R character vector (with comments clearly
> stating that it is a hack). Once it moves the data from the MySQL
> result set buffer to the R vector, it computes the length in both
> places and prints a warning if they differ.
> Or you could try to hack something. For instance, what happens if
> instead of bringing the blob you import, say, as a string?
> con <- dbConnect("MySQL", ....)
> rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select SUBSTRING(blob, 0) from table")
> dd <- fetch(rs)
> One possible general solution would be to define a new class
> "binaryConnection" simmilar to textConnection, so that you
> can readBin() and writeBin() from it. In this way, blobs could
> return a binary buffer (just a pointer to a block of C memory)
> that could be given to binaryConnection:
> data <- fetch(rs)
> for(i in seq(nrow(data)){
> ## extract blobs from each row and create a binary connection
> bcon = binaryConnection(blobs$image[1])
> img = readBin(bcon, "integer", n = 2048)
> ## work with the image
> }
> let me know what happens if you try to naively import a blob...
> --
> David
>> Thanks!
>> Jonathan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David James [mailto:dj at research.bell-labs.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:05 AM
>> To: LI,JONATHAN (A-Labs,ex1)
>> Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>> Subject: Re: [R] RMySQL and Blob
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> Currently RMySQL doesn't handle blob objects. The mechanics of
>> inserting and extracting blob objects by itself is not too hard,
>> but issues such as how should blobs be made available to R, how to
>> prevent buffers overflows, how to prevent huge blobs from exhausting
>> the available memory, should R callback functions be invoked
>> as chunks of the blob are brought in, etc., need more consideration.
>> And these issues are not R/MySQL specific, but also relevant to
>> other databases and other non-dbms interfaces.
>> BTW there are R facilities (e.g., external pointers, finalizers) that
>> seems quite important for this type of implementation.
>> What type and how big are the blobs that want to import?
>> --
>> David
>> jonathan_li at agilent.com wrote:
>>> Dear R experts,
>>> Does RMySQL package handle Blob datatype in a MySQL database? Blob
>>> can represent an image, a sound or some other
>>> large and complex binary objects. In an article published by
>>> R-database special interest group, named "A common database
>>> interface (DBI)" (updated June 2003), it's mentioned in "open
>>> issues and limitations" that "We need to carefully plan how to deal
>>> with binary objects".
>>> Before I invest time to try, I would appreciate any experts'
>>> opinions.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonathan
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> --
> David A. James
> Statistics Research, Room 2C-276 Phone: (908) 582-3082
> Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Fax: (908) 582-3340
> Murray Hill, NJ 09794-0636
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