[R] persiting complex R objects

Peter Wolf s-plus at wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Sep 20 13:23:40 CEST 2004

Richard Mott wrote:

> Is there a method to save a large and complex R object (either as a 
> binary or text file) so that it can be loaded and reused at a later 
> time? Specifically, I am creating large lists (several thousand 
> elements), each element of which is either a vector or a matrix (with 
> ~ 2000 rows). The dimensions of the matrices are not all the same. My 
> ideal would be a set of functions of the form
> obj <- create() # computes  the object
> save(obj,filename)
> obj <- load(filename)
Have a look at

? dump
? source

Peter Wolf

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