[R] SNOW, lexical scoping, and "programming style"

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte rdiaz at cnio.es
Fri Sep 3 14:21:16 CEST 2004

Dear All,

A programming style and scoping question when using SNOW and clusterApplyLB. 

### The following will not work:
uu <- matrix(rnorm(200 * 1000), ncol = 1000)

fm1 <- function(xmaster, ...) {
    fs1 <- function(dummy, ...) {
        clusterApplyLB(TheCluster, 1:3, fs1)


fm1(uu) ## uu not found

### I can think of three alternatives:

### Use "force"
fm2 <- function(xmaster, ...) {
    fs2 <- function(dummy, ...) {
    clusterApplyLB(TheCluster, 1:50, fs2)

## Export the variable explicitly from inside the function
fs3 <- function(dummy, ...) {
fm3 <- function(xmaster, ...) {
    xmaster.copy <<- xmaster
    clusterExport(TheCluster, "xmaster.copy")
    clusterApplyLB(TheCluster, 1:50, fs3)


## Pass the variable as an argument of clusterApplyLB
fs4 <- function(dummy, xpassedalong) {
fm4 <- function(xmaster, ...) {
    clusterApplyLB(TheCluster, 1:50, fs4, xmaster)

Which/why would be best? 
I dislike using ClusterExport after a "<<-", but this approach ought to be 
advantageous with clusterApplyLB if each slave node is visited repeatedly (if 
in ClusterApplyLB(cl, x, fun, ...), length(x) >> number of nodes) and the 
object is large. (Some limited testing shows that in these cases the fastest 
is option 3, followed by 2, followed by 4).



Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
Bioinformatics Unit
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
(Spanish National Cancer Center)
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029 Madrid (Spain)
Fax: +-34-91-224-6972
Phone: +-34-91-224-6900

PGP KeyID: 0xE89B3462

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