[R] cluster analysis

James Foadi foadi at ysbl.york.ac.uk
Fri Oct 15 12:02:38 CEST 2004

On Friday 15 Oct 2004 10:43 am, you wrote:

> PS: It seems that each value is typed twice because classi is named, and
> each value is also a name. Try as.vector(classi). (Perhaps a little useful
> help in the end?)

Indeed. I have tried, for example:


and obtained only one set of values. For some strange reason
each object of list "classi" is a named vector where the name of each
component is the component itself.

By the way, the cutree function you suggested is even more useful
for what I want to do.

The info on identify() can easily be obtained using help(hclust); you'll
find it at the end of the help page.

Many thanks, Christian !


Dr James Foadi
Structural Biology Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
University of York

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