[R] cluster analysis

James Foadi foadi at ysbl.york.ac.uk
Fri Oct 15 11:19:12 CEST 2004

Hello. I wonder if anyone can help me with this.

I'm performing cluster analysis by using hclust in stats package.
My data are contained in a data frame with 10 columns, named "drops".

Firs I create a distance matrix using dist:
		distanxe <- dist(drops)

Then I perform cluster analysis via hclust:

		clusters <- hclust(distanze)

At this point I want to view the tree plot, and use plot:


Then, once decided which clusters to select, I start identify:

		classi <- identify(clusters)

and click on all clusters to be selected; I then finish by right-clicking.

My understanding is that "classi" is now a list containing all individual 
data, grouped in clusters. In my case "classi" contained 10 objects,
simply named [1], [2], etc.

To obtain all individual data belonging to one object I thought that
would have sufficed to type for instance:

		classe_01 <- classi[[1]]

Unfortunately, rather than obtaining a vector, I obtain a "numeric" where
each value is typed twice.

Can anyone explain why, or what I've done wrong?

Many thanks,

Dr James Foadi
Structural Biology Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
University of York

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