[R] problem with anova and glmmPQL

Andrew R. Criswell andrew.c at bu.ac.th
Wed Nov 24 10:50:23 CET 2004


I am getting an error message when appplying anova() to two equations
estimated using glmmPQL. I did look through the archives but didn't
finding anything relevant to my problem. The R-code and results follow.

Hope someone can help.


> fm1 <- glmmPQL(choice ~ day + stereotypy,
+                random = ~ 1 | bear, data = learning, family = binomial)
iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
> fm2 <- glmmPQL(choice ~ day + envir + stereotypy,
+                random = ~ 1 | bear, data = learning, family = binomial)
iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
> anova(fm1)
            numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1  2032   7.95709  0.0048
day             1  2032 213.98391  <.0001
stereotypy      1  2032   0.42810  0.5130
> anova(fm2)
            numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1  2031   5.70343  0.0170
day             1  2031 213.21673  <.0001
envir           1  2031  12.50388  0.0004
stereotypy      1  2031   0.27256  0.6017
> anova(fm1, fm2)
Error in anova.lme(fm1, fm2) : Objects must inherit from classes "gls",
"gnls" "lm","lmList", "lme","nlme","nlsList", or "nls"
> version
platform i586-mandrake-linux-gnu
arch     i586
os       linux-gnu
system   i586, linux-gnu
major    2
minor    0.0
year     2004
month    10
day      04
language R

Andrew R. Criswell, Ph.D.
Graduate School, Bangkok University

mailto:andrew.c at bu.ac.th
mailto:andrew at arcriswell.com

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