[R] ms access --> mysql --> R in Linux

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at Loskot.net
Mon Nov 1 21:31:17 CET 2004

01.11 2004 r., on 19:14 Anne York wrote:
> I am trying to use some ms access databases in R (version 
> 1.9.1 or 2.0 on a Debian system).  In searching the net for 
> promising software to do this, I found mdbtools. Mdbtools 
> claims the ability to convert schemas and tables in MS 
> Access to MySQL and other databases.
> http://mdbtools.sourceforge.net/
> I'm wondering if anyone in the R community has tried using 
> this software to use MS-Access databases in R with a Linux 
> system. If so, Were you successful? What kind of problems 
> did you encounter?

I tried mdbtool on my linux box and I can say that
it supports MDB format quite well but I would
like to say that there is no _good_ software
which provides GUI for basic operations on MDB files
like table management, querying etc.

So, if you want to be sure that your data won't
be damaged I'd not recommend you to use MDB files
on Linux. Personally, I use Linux and I'm its funboy, so
don't call me Microsoft's man ;-) but that is a fact.

I have many databases in MDB files and I converted them
to sqlite or mysql databases on Linux to be able to work with
them on Linux. 
For sqlite (which I strongly recommend) there is no problem, because
you can use ODBC drivers for sqlite and export data
using MS Access. sqlite wors very well on both Linux & Windows,
so you don't have to do any conversion.

MDB to Mysql is a little more complex.
I did it that way
1. install ODBC drivers for mysql on Windows machine
2. configure ODBC (DSN) connection to mysql database on Linux
(I assume you have mysql on linux configured and you have ethernet
network connecting both machines).
3. open Microsoft Access, open ODBC conn to mysql in access,
4. import access databas to that connected remotely from linux (mysql)

Another way is to use freeware software called DBTools for Windows
(search for dbtools by google, use first link).
This software provides export/import functionality
between mysql/postgresql/sqlite/access.
Somtimes I use it and it works well.

I believe it will help you.



Mateusz ÂŁoskot
mateusz at loskot dot net

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