[R] How do you force runif to return non-duplicate results eg runif(0, 1, n=10)? thanks

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at myway.com
Tue May 18 14:14:26 CEST 2004

Briggs, Meredith M <Meredith.Briggs <at> team.telstra.com> writes:

How do you force runif to return non-duplicate results 
eg	runif(0, 1, n=10)? thanks

On my Windows XP machine I find that the first 100,000 random numbers
starting from seed 11 are unique even to machine precision. Is that enough?

R> set.seed(11); length(unique(runif(100000)))
[1] 100000

If you need 100 numbers that are unique to two decimal places, say, 
you can do this:

(sample(100, 100, rep=F)-1)/100

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