[R] glmmPQL - predict (..., type= 'response')?

Lorenz.Gygax@fat.admin.ch Lorenz.Gygax at fat.admin.ch
Thu May 13 15:56:08 CEST 2004

Dear R users,

Is there something like predict (..., type= 'response') for glmmPQL objects
or how would I get fitted values on the scale of the response variable for
the binomial and the poisson family?

Any pointers are appreciated.

Thanks, Lorenz
Lorenz Gygax, Dr. sc. nat.
Tel: +41 (0)52 368 33 84 / lorenz.gygax at fat.admin.ch      

Tag der offenen Tür, 11./12. Juni 2004: http://www.fat.ch/2004

Center for proper housing of ruminants and pigs
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