[R] summary table newbie question

Jeff D. Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Wed May 12 18:41:24 CEST 2004

I've got a newbie question and I got a little lost in the "table helps".
I've got a data.frame I would like to summarize as a (and pardon for the
lack of correct vernacular) data collection matrix. My data looks like,

   stand siteindex age      acres  pct.acres
1    232       116  45  8477.3105 0.56159458
2    234       121  25 11120.1530 0.73667441
3    235       132  25  5399.4605 0.35769691
4    236       115   5  6308.3969 0.41791103
5    240       116  45   473.1533 0.03134489
6    241       116  15 21790.9595 1.44358105
7    245       171  25   686.9867 0.04551066
8    246       134  25 15176.8082 1.00541478
9    247        99  35  1754.9282 0.11625835
10   251       125  55  7396.1098 0.48996851
...blah, blah, blah...

and when I attempt to create a summary table using aggregate, I get the
following results,

> aggregate( stands$acres, by=list(stands$age,stands$siteindex), sum )

    Group.1 Group.2          x
1        95      86  6403.5457
2         5      88  1517.6781
3        45      88  3555.3213
4       125      89  6269.2633
5        95      90  3154.3531
6        55      93 14006.9781
7        15      94    98.9918
8        35      94  2241.0531
9       105      94   431.0281

but what I really want is a matrix where the rows and columns are classes
(in increments of 5 or 10 or whatever) and the cells are the sums (or means
or whatever) for the data.frame. I guess it would be equivalent to like
surf.ls/surf.gls without fitting a trend but that would also allow me to
plot the results graphically in addition to simply printing out the table
using xtable.


Jeff D. Hamann
Forest Informatics, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com

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