[R] RODBC in RAqua

Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi anthony at darrouzet-nardi.net
Mon May 10 22:45:22 CEST 2004

I've been trying to get RODBC working in RAqua. For my database, 
let's call it "mydb", when I enter

odbcConnect("mydb", uid="postgres", pwd="secret"),

RAqua thinks for about 10 seconds, then crashes.

mydb is a PostgreSQL 7.4.2 database running on my machine (Mac OS X 
10.3.3). I am using the pgsqlodbc 7.2.5 driver and the driver manager 
that comes built in to OS X 10.2 and later, which is some version of 

I should point out that the utility "odbctest", a simple command-line 
ODBC compliant interactive SQL client, can successfully connect to my 
database with the ODBC connect strings DSN=mydb or DSN=mydb;UID= 

The odbc.ini file generated by ODBC Administrator (an GUI tool that 
comes with OS X) looks like this:

[ODBC Data Sources]
mydb       = PostgreSQL

Trace         = 0
TraceAutoStop = 0
TraceFile     =
TraceLibrary  =

Driver      = /usr/local/lib/psqlodbc.so
Description = This is my database
username    = postgres
password    = secret
servername  = localhost
port        = 5432
database    = mydb

How might I get this working?


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