[R] Re: R web interfaces

Nathan Whitehouse nlwhitehouse at yahoo.com
Thu May 6 19:12:49 CEST 2004

cashaw at bcm.tmc.edu, 
    youngas7 at yahoo.com
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  First, does anyone think it is a good idea to put up
a web server site similar to Phillippe Grosjean's site
for GUIs?  

  To answer foobar's question-

  There are a several web 'interfaces', with different
focuses and degrees of sophistication.
  Apologies to the developers if I characterize them
wrongly.  They are all tailored to slightly different

  CGI/(transaction based) -
       CGIWithR, RWeb & RCGI(unmaintained)

  TCP/IP Servers(sessioned)-
       -RServe has a homegrown protocol for large

  Web/HTTP Servers(sessioned)-
        -A Zope/Python/RPython facility for executing
scripts/application development

        -A servlet application/application development
suite to selectively expose R code & manage

  There are three or so different things to consider
with these:
    1)How R-based processing is made available or
whether the client supplies them(like RWeb)
    2)The extent to which a framework/system is an
'application development system' as opposed to 'a way
to submit R code on the web'
    3)How R is running
        a)spawned from apache using CGI- one
        b)an R process on the server that takes up
requests in a queue
        c)a set of processes that are spawned
dynamically and communicate through SOAP/CORBA etc.
These may exist on multiple internal computers.

   Although there are other issues, which we'd be
excited to talk to somebody about at UseR.

  Nathan Whitehouse

Nathan Whitehouse
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, USA
nlwhitehouse at yahoo.com
work: 1-713-798-9029
cell:    1-512-293-5840

http://rho-project.org: rho- open source web services for R.
http://franklin.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu: Shaw laboratory, bcm.

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