[R] syntax error in function 'for'

Peter Wolf s-plus at wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Wed May 5 17:14:29 CEST 2004

Ulrich Leopold wrote:

>Dear list,
>I get a syntax error for the following function:
>for(na.omit(sqrt(D))>2) {na.omit(A)-(na.omit(B)+(na.omit(sqrt(C))))}
>Any idea what is wrong?
>I am using R 1.8.1 on Linux, Kernel 2.4.21-i686.
>Regards, Ulrich
have a look at help("for"):

Control                 package:base                 R Documentation

Control Flow


     if(cond) expr
     if(cond) cons.expr  else  alt.expr
     for(var in seq) expr

     for(i in 1:5) print(1:i)
     for(n in c(2,5,10,20,50)) {
        x <- rnorm(n)
        cat(n,":", sum(x^2),"\n")

Peter Wolf

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