[R] Removing leading and trailing spaces (string manipulation)

dsheuman@rogers.com dsheuman at rogers.com
Wed Mar 31 16:44:15 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I'm running the following code to generate 40 different jpegs based on the resulting data.  I'd like the file names to be 'Cluster1.jpeg', however the code write filenames like 'Cluster 1 .jpeg'.

How can I get rid of the unwanted spaces?  I've looked at ?format and it doesn't seem to work - at least in this context.

ClusCount <- 40

datain <- as.data.frame( read.csv("c:\\daclus.csv"))

for(i in 1:ClusCount){
	mapit <- subset(datain, cluster == i)
	jpeg(file=paste("c:\\temp\\cluster",format(i),".jpeg"), width = 640, height = 480, pointsize = 12,quality = 300, bg = "white")
	plot( as.matrix(mapit[,2]), as.matrix(mapit[,3]),xlim=c(-141.6,-52.1),ylim=c(41.5,83.7),  type = "p", main = paste("Cluster",i) )



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