[R] Problems with "optimize"

Chiara Seghieri seghieri at ds.unifi.it
Mon Mar 29 11:27:26 CEST 2004

Dear All,

I'm trying to maximize a likelihood with respect one parameter using 
"optimize" on simulated data (without error component).
I've iterated the maximization procedure 1000 times and I should always 
obtain the same estimate of the parameter (equal to the simulated one) but, 
instead, i obtain different results (the likelihood function shouldn't be 
flat). Does anybody has experience with the optimize procedure?

Thanks in advance,


Chiara Seghieri
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "G.Parenti"
V.le Morgagni, 59
50134 Firenze, Italy
tel.: +39 055 4237230
fax: +39 055 4223560

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