[R] 3D globe plot

yshen004@temple.edu yshen004 at temple.edu
Fri Mar 26 22:27:49 CET 2004


This is Yan, a graduate student from Temple University. My 
current work involves drawing 3D plot in R or S-Plus. I have 
a dataset containing distances between 18 cities in 4 
continents. Using classical multi-deminsional scaling in 2 
dimensions, I could seperate them successfully and plot with 
different colors in a 2D figure, which is attacked. Then I do 
the same in 3 dimensions and use 'brush' command in S. When I 
spin the graph, it shows that all data points are on a globe. 
However, the graph can't be saved. My question is, can I draw 
a globe in R and add all the data points?
Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

Yan Shen
Temple University
Department of Statistics

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