[R] First Variable in lm

Christian Hoffmann christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
Wed Mar 24 16:50:54 CET 2004

Hi all,

I just cannot think of how to do it:
I want to take the first variable (column) of a data frame and regress 
it against all other variables.

bla <- function (dat) {
   reg <- lm(whateverthefirstofthevariablenamesis ~., data=dat)

What kind of function do I have to take instead of the 

eval(), substitute(), get(),  ...

to correctly compute this regression?

With   lm(get(names(dat)[1] ~., data=dat) there are no errors, but the 
first variable also shows up among the regressors.

Thanks for help.
Christian Hoffmann

Dr.sc.math.Christian W. Hoffmann, 
Mathematics + Statistical Computing   e-mail: christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL  Tel: ++41-44-73922-   -77  (office)
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland             -11(exchange), -15  (fax)

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