[R] snow documentation comments

Ross Boylan ross at biostat.ucsf.edu
Wed Mar 24 03:53:45 CET 2004

There are a few points I found unclear or unmentioned in the snow
documentation (mostly I looked at the cluster.html web page).  I thought
I'd mention them here.

What is the start up environment for the children?
My best guess at the answer is in parentheses
Do they inherit shell variables? (no)
Do they inherit variables set in R or other aspects of the R
environment? (no)
What directory does it start in? (the directory you are running in)
What user are you? (same as original)

I realize some of these answers might depend on the parallelization
layer you are using, or whether you select the homogenous option.

There are also some entertaining pathological cases; for example,
lam/mpi lets you start some of the children as another user.

Number of nodes or number of children?
I thought all the counts of nodes (e.g., in makeCluster(5)) were of the
total nodes in the cluster, i.e., children + 1.  However, I did a
makeCluster(2) and I got 2 additional R processes running.  Have I
misunderstood the semantics, or is it essentially an implementation
detail that the master node starts a new R process?

Is the full set of cluster options documented anywhere?

Ross Boylan                                      wk:  (415) 502-4031
530 Parnassus Avenue (Library) rm 115-4          ross at biostat.ucsf.edu
Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics           fax: (415) 476-9856
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-0840                     hm:  (415) 550-1062

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