[R] Question: Assigning the values of a time series to another one with dif. length and resolution

Daebel Helge Helge.Daebel at eawag.ch
Thu Mar 18 08:36:40 CET 2004

I have two time series organized in matixes data.1 and data.2. 
They have different length and resolution.

matrix data.1
t1  v1
t3  v3
t5  v5

matrix data.2
t1  0
t2  0
t3  0

desired result:
t1  v1
t2  0
t3  v3

What is the MOST EFFECTIVE way (since the matrixes are very large) to assign the values of data.1 to data.2 whenever time values are equal?

Thanks for your help,

P.S: My solution so far:

for ( i in 1 : nrow(data.1) )
    index  <- which ( data.2[,1] == data.1[i,1] )
    data.2[index,2] <- data.1[i,2]

Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental
Science and Technology (EAWAG)

Dept. of Engineering Sciences

Helge Daebel
Ueberlandstrasse 133
CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland

phone: +41 1 823 5052          
fax:   +41 1 823 5389
mail:  helge.daebel at eawag.ch
http:  www.eawag.ch/research_e/ing/uwe/daebel/bivariate_probability.htm

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