[R] Sweave and R output: possible to suppress "Schunk" tags in *.tex file output?

Ole F. Christensen olefc at daimi.au.dk
Fri Mar 12 20:04:26 CET 2004

Dear Scott

Why not use the function xtable() in the library of the same name for this ?

Cheers Ole


I would like to fill the rows of a Latex tabular environment with output from
R, as in

  \caption{Table caption.} 
  \begin{tabular}{c r r r r r}



Sweave produces the output inside \begin{Schunk} and \end{Schunk} commands,
which latex doesn't tolerate within a table.  I would prefer to avoid writing all of
the Latex table code from R.  Is my only other option to produce a separate
text file, e.g. under Sweave with results=hide, then use \input{} on the file?

Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
scott.waichler _at_ pnl.gov




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