[R] SVM unbalanced classes

David Meyer david.meyer at wu-wien.ac.at
Tue Mar 9 15:42:34 CET 2004

You might consider using the `weight' argument of svm().




I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much
bigger than the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first
If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to
the svm (e.g. via wheights or costs)?

Frank G. Zoellner
AG Angewandte Informatik
Technische Fakult"at
Universit"at Bielefeld
phone: +49(0)521-106-2951
fax:   +49(0)521-106-2992
email: fzoellne at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de

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