[R] Publication quality graphs

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at medanalytics.com
Wed Mar 3 22:01:34 CET 2004

On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 14:35, Sivakumar Mohandass wrote:
> Dear all,
> A journal in which we wanted our manuscript published requires the
> figures as a tiff, eps or PowerPoint formated. I tried converting .jpeg
> files to these formats but it looses its quality both on the screen and
> on paper. Could some one please help.

Your best option is to generate an EPS file using the postscript()

See ?postscript for more information and take careful note of the
function arguments required to create an EPS file. Principally:

     The postscript produced by R is EPS (_Encapsulated PostScript_)
     compatible, and can be included into other documents, e.g., into
     LaTeX, using '\includegraphics{<filename>}'.  For use in this way
     you will probably want to set 'horizontal = FALSE, onefile =
     FALSE, paper = "special"'.

You will need to specify the 'height' and 'width' arguments to define
your page size.


Marc Schwartz

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