[R] Changing background in splom et al.

v.demartino2@virgilio.it v.demartino2 at virgilio.it
Wed Mar 3 12:09:51 CET 2004

Context: Windows XP, R 1.8.1

I'm studying Venables-Ripley "MASS" book and having a go at the  many examples
in library MASS. The code I'm checking (from script ch04.R) now is 

splom(~ swiss, aspect = "fill",
  panel = function(x, y, ...) {
     panel.xyplot(x, y, ...); panel.loess(x, y, ...)

which produces an agreable plot with a gray background and cyan points,
Copying the plot as a metafile into Word and having a laser printer I'd
better stick to a b/w plot. 

How can I turn the background to white and the cyan points to black?

Ciao - Vittorio

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